EBDA Student Leadership Development Programme

Case study

Student Leadership Development Programme

The EBDA programme focused on building leadership skills in students through experiential learning, skills training, team challenges and personal development.

Building on an previous successful RRI delivered programme, a partnership was formed between RRI, Maersk Oil and Qatar Foundation and 9 universities. This became the EBDA programme which ran between 2014 and 2016.

Red Rock International co-ordinated the programme and was the main delivery partner for:

  • EBDA Institutes: Leadership development in practical experiential workshops
  • WALQ (We Are Leaders Qatar): Adventure-based personal development journeys
    • 2015 – Kilamanjaro expedition
    • 2016 – Qatar desert expedition
  • EBDA Desert Challenge:  2-day team and leadship challenge with coaching
  • Practical training for staff, graduates & students  to be facilitators, mentors and marshals

The various elements of the EBDA leadership development Programme demanded a desire to learn and be challenged, strong teamwork and communication, strategic planning skills, focus and stamina and, above all, determination to acheive the best outcome possible.

"WALQ takes participants out of the comforts of their daily life to learn about leading groups, taking initiative, and working with others to achieve challenges in an outdoor learning environment. Through the program participants learn about not only people, but the environment and Qatar’s rich history as well."
Evan Witt
Programme lead - Hamad Bin Khalifa University

Customer objectives

  • Develop future leaders from Qatar’s students
  • Partner with the leading universities in Qatar
  • Offer world-class training for Qatari and expatriate students
  • Develop students’ life skills and increase their employability


  • Hundreds of students engaged in leadership development activities across Qatar’s leading universities
  • The EBDA programme succeeded in accelerating students’ development
  • Widespread coverage in national press and television
  • Active social media following from students and stakeholders

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