Become a Team of High-performers
The training company for professional development and team building in Qatar
We have helped 350,000+ professionals boost productivity at work and drive real growth for their organisation through Training Courses, Leadership Programmes and Team Building experiences.
Trusted by 800+ companies
Over 350,000+ people trained
We have worked with 800+Â companies and trained over 350,000+Â people. Here are some of our valued clients:

Our Services
Are you responsible for organising your company’s next corporate training or team-building event? We offer comprehensive Training Courses, Leadership Programmes, Team Building experiences, and Learning Consultancy options. Our streamlined approach is designed not only to simplify your role as the organiser but also to ensure that every detail of the event is executed exactly as you envision.Â
Working with Red Rock International in 4 steps
Our streamlined approach makes partnering with Red Rock International simple and effective. We focus on understanding your unique needs and delivering tailored solutions that create real, lasting impact. Here’s how we work with you in four easy steps:
1. Free Consultation
Reach out today and our friendly experts will explore your needs and goals, offering personalised guidance to get you started.
2. Planning
& Design
A dedicated Project Manager will work with you to schedule and plan training delivery​ while our design team will work to tailor the course to your needs.
3. Deep
Our trainers will then take over and execute a truly remarkable experience for you and your team, ensuring active participation and deep learning.
4. Energised
Apply your acquired skills to make a real-world impact. Your team will return to work feeling empowered to boost productivity and drive results.
One more thing...
Join our 2-Minute Training newsletter for easy, practical tips on organising successful corporate training.