
2 - 3 hours
50 - 800+

Outdoor or Indoor
Building our empires!
In this epic construction challenge, teams race to assemble their crane and build their city into an empire. Once their cranes and construction equipment is ready and tested, participants start building their city one block at a time.
When building their cities, teams must decide what construction projects they will undertake. Some projects are more difficult but will score higher points, while others are easier to put together but not as rewarding. Only complete projects will add to a team’s score total. So if they team tries a difficult project but do not complete it to the end it will not add to their score.
There are crane assembly areas for each team and a central exchange area. In this exchange area, only the team captain of each team is allowed to enter. Team captains from all teams are allowed to negotiate, exchange equipment and share ideas.
Also available in the exchange area is the crane specialist who is available to give advice on crane construction. The specialist can help the participants with anything related to equipment placement, construction sequence, rope knots and building techniques.