Colour Conqueror integrates technology with physical efforts to push your teams to new limits.
“We want to do a team build which is totally different” is an expression we have heard a lot recently from companies in many of the countiries we work.
Many firms know the usual exercises and need something fresh to make an impact on team performance. We have worked hard to create something, which will answer this need: Colour Conqueror. Team build meets technology in our brand new team building application in Saudi
What happens in this team building challenge?
In this fast-paced challenge, teams must work together to conquer as many areas as they can. How do they conquer these areas? By completing mini-challenges at each area and earning the most points and tokens. If they succeed, their area is marked by their team’s colour (as seen below):
Each team is assigned a colour, and using our very own live team building application in Saudi, they can track their progress. In addition, they can see other teams’ progress and where the other challenges are on a map.
The “Colour Conqueror” is the team that has conquered the highest number of areas when time runs out.
Experience and debriefs facilitate learning
The exercise gives each team an experience of dealing with unfamiliar challenges, change and pressurised situations. It models many of the features of business in a competitive, hi-tech and fast changing market.
As the challenge progresses and teams repeatedly use relevant soft skills through the challenge, they will understand more about which behaviours help in these situations and which don’t. Finally, the facilitated debriefs will draw out the lessons from the challenge and help teams to apply them to their workplaces.
As a result, they will learn how to be a high-functioning team that doesn’t just divide and conquer, but works seamlessly to reach a common objective while facing change, competition and pressure.
This course is for business teams who need to develop their ability to perform under pressure as a unit and also need the skills to strategically think before executing while resorting to alternative/creative solutions.
You can register and book by contacting us directly, please use the ‘Contact Us’ form.