
1 - 2 hours
50 - 100

You’ll either conquer or be conquered!
Revamping the all-time classic game of Battleships. Played out on two digitally projected boards. Each team’s ships are hidden. To remove squares and sink the enemy fleet, teams rust to complete mini-challenges, which earns you tokens. These tokens can either be exchanged for ammunition or invested in risky mini-games that can either double your tokens or leave you empty handed.
Each Unit will assign a Captain, he/she is the only one allowed to exchange tokens into ammunition and use them to hit other teams’ ships. The Team that sinks the most enemy ships is the winner.
Mini-challenges can be completed by the teams in any order. There are more that can be done in the available time, so teams will select challenges based on their skills, interest and strategic decisions about what will earn the most ammunition coins.